
GDPR: How Esky Complies with the General Data Protection Regulations

Simply put, GDPR refers to the EU General Data Protection Regulations which came into effect on 25th May 2018. The GDPR supplements, and provides additional information alongside, the Data Protection Act 1988. 

The overall aim of the GDPR is to protect the rights of EU citizens, giving them the power to hold companies to account as never before, as well as giving them more control over their personal data.

Our customer's and business partner's data privacy and security are extremely important to us so. As such, we have reviewed and updated all Esky procedures, as well as our Privacy Statement and T’s & C’s to make sure that we are compliant with the GDPR.


Key points you need to know:

There is a lot to take on board with these updates, however the points we want to make clear to you about your data are as follows;

  • We do not store any sensitive personal information about customers
  • We do not share customer information with any third parties
  • You can request any records we may hold to be removed at any time by contacting us

Esky and GDPR Compliance
Find out more

We decided that contacting everyone and adding another GDPR email to your inbox wasn’t the way to go. Instead, if you would like to know more then you can settle down with a cup of tea and have a read of our updated Terms and Conditions and Privacy Statement:

Get in touch

If you have any further questions then please don't hesitate to get in touch via our contact page.

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