
Health & Safety: Made Simple: Consulting your Employees

You must to consult all your employees regarding Health and Safety. This doesn't need to be complicated issue. You can do this by talking to them about the following:

  • Health & Safety and the work they do;

  • How risks are controlled surrounding their work;

  • The best methods of providing information and training.

Consultation should be though of as a two-way process. This allows staff to raise concerns and be involved in the decisions management makes regarding Health & Safety. Employees are often the best people to understand the risks of your workplace, by involving them in making decisions it shows them that you take their Health & Safety seriously.

In small businesses, management may choose to consult their employees directly. Alternatively, larger businesses might consult through a Health & Safety representative. These representatives are chosen by the employees or selected by a trade union. The employer cannot decide who will be the representative.


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