Esky e Learning's Top Tips for Manual Handling

Here are some of Esky’s top practical tips concerning Manual Handling.


The first question you should ask yourself is does the object need to be moved at all? If you have a large object, it may be easier to bring other equipment or loads to it.



Keep overalls and aprons clean. Don’t wear outdoors clothes in the kitchen. Never chew gum while working with food. Don’t taste food with your fingers and never use a spoon to taste food that has already been in your mouth.


If possible, reduce the load. Breaking down a big heavy load into smaller more managed lifts will help to prevent any injury. However make sure to take regular breaks between similar lifts to prevent repetitive strain injury.


Wear Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) if required.

Some mechanical aids will require you to wear some form of PPE. These must be worn correctly are all times while using the aid. Remember the effectiveness of PPE can be easily compromised if not worn correctly.


Seek training before using mechanical aids.

Employees must be trained to use equipment properly and safely. Poor knowledge of mechanical aids can be hazardous. Employers must ensure equipment is in working order.


Watch out for the usual suspects!

Slips, trips and falls are the most common accidents in the workplace. Be alert for trailing wires, vehicles routes or difficult floor surfaces.

To ensure you're fully aware of manual handling techniques and hazards, take our short but effective manual handling course. Find out more and watch a demo here.










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