
Workplace safety is of utmost importance for the protection of employees and customers that are in the vicinity of your working space. A workplace safety induction is the leading way to teach a person how to be safe and share information that is going to help protect themselves and those around them. What is more, safety inductions help foster a positive health and safety culture, whereby a safer and healthier mindset becomes more habitual. To ensure that safety inductions are as effective as possible, we have put together some top tips to help you get the most out of your workplace training.

Make sure employees are comfortable

Learning is most effective when we feel confident with what we are trying to understand. A great way to put new employees at ease is to keep the learning material as simple and coherent as possible. Be mindful of the language used and ensure that messages are clear and understood by all participants before moving on. In conjunction with this, set aside ample time to complete the induction and don’t rush through the teaching, giving plenty of time for the new employee to speak and ask questions. Finally, a suitable location away from disturbance or distraction will aid in the effectiveness of the induction. The variety of induction courses that we offer are all online making them the perfect way to complete training remotely and from the comfort of the employees own surroundings.

Manageable chunks of learning

Somewhat linking to ensuring employees are comfortable is making sure that the learning is offered in manageable chunks. Structured sections will make the workplace safety induction much simpler to follow for both the employee conducting the induction and the new employee participating in the learning. Workplace safety inductions are of high importance and are therefore required to be completed efficiently and effectively covering all aspects that are going to protect the workforce. Bitesize chunks of learning help to clarify the structure, ensuring nothing gets missed and makes the requirements of the learning process more straightforward as they can be broken down into sections. Our online health and safety courses offer a ‘save progress and finish later' feature that eases the pressure of learning for the user and helps them complete the training at their own pace.

Utilise a feedback form

Feedback forms can be an excellent way to further understand how well employees engaged with workplace safety inductions and potentially uncover how they could be improved. Gathering insights can assist in developing workplace safety inductions, making them more rigorous and comprehensive in the long run; which in turn can improve overall safety measures. When distributing feedback forms, it’s worth doing so in a timely manner as employees are likely to have a memorable experience having just gone through the process, resulting in more reliable results. Furthermore, feedback is a two-way process whereby employees opinions can be heard and valued. If feedback is found to have a beneficial impact it’s worth acting upon quickly to improve the workplace safety inductions for future employees.

At Esky, we understand the importance of workplace safety inductions and the benefits of employees that conduct themselves in a safe and healthy manner. We offer a variety of courses including a range of induction processes. To find out more about Esky and get further details on the inductions we have to offer please get in touch.

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