
Health & Safety: Made Simple: Risks Management in your Business

You must manage Health & Safety risks in your business. You need to think about what might cause harm to people and decide whether you are doing sufficient safety precautions to prevent that harm. This is called a Risk Assessment. Once you have identified the risks, you need to decide how to control them and put the appropriate measures in place.

A Risk Assessment is is about identifying sensible measures to control risks in your business. The law does not expect you to remove all risks, but to protect people by putting in place measures to control those risks.

How do I assess Risk in my business?

A. There are five steps to assessing risks in your business.

  • Indentify the hazards

  • Decide who is at harm

  • Evaluate any Risks and establish any precautions

  • Record finds and implement any findings

  • Review results and adapt if needed.

Consider any measures you are already taking to control risks and ask if there is anything you should do to make your workplace safer.

Once you have identified the risks and what you need to do to control them, you should put the appropriate measures in place.

You can download a blank Risk Assessment for your work place here.

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